Thursday, June 5, 2008

Singing at the top of our lungs in the morning

We all wake up in the morning differently. Some wake up grumbling and growling. Others wake up perky and ready to go. Others can be immovable and want to sleep just "another five minutes". They hit the snooze bar over and over again. By the way, just to annoy everyone, I wake up alert (usually) in the morning, very early. You can tell by the time of this post! I've been like this since I was a little kid, just like my dad.

Well, this morning like many mornings, I woke up to hear a robin happily singing away. It's funny (in a good way) how God has made this beautiful bird so happy in the morning. No matter what, it sings in the morning! What would happen if we all sang to our Creator every single morning? Studies have shown laughing is good for you, but what about singing?

The Bible says to make a joyful noise unto to the Lord (Psalm 66:1; 95:1; 98:6). Does that also mean in the morning? I'm not sure the writer of these Psalms was saying to wake up and sing at the top of your lungs until you annoy even the neighbour down the street. (No, the robin's singing isn't annoying. At least not to me, anyway.) They are saying to make a "joyful noise". Okay, I didn't mean to make that sound funny. Oh, well.:-)

You don't have to sing to make a joyful noise. You can wake up and not growl that you have to go to work. You can thank God that you have a job to get up to! You can thank Him that you have a warm bed to sleep in! Thank Him that He kept your family safe and warm during the night! The list goes on.

So enough with the grumping and growling in the morning. Think of the robin as the dawn comes. Probably one of the happiest of God's creatures in the morning. They also makes an amazing environmentally friendly alarm clock.

The Robin

Your voice is so clear
Robin of the Spring.
Your greet every morning,
it awakes as you sing.

A flute so sweet and melodic
brings the early dawns song.
Your voice resounds above others
it's beauty sweet and long.

Your notes are delightful
like music to my ear.
Never cease singing
so that all may hear.

Sing your song with exuberance
the rest of your life.
Sing it to your Creator
with all of your might.

Sing on lovely Robin.
Have your voice be heard.
Let it rise to the heaven's
like no other bird.

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