Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Writers Block

A Writers Block Poem by Me
aka The Schizophrenic Writer

I'm in the process of writing a book right now.
It's the sequel to Unchain.
I'm finding it hard to get past the first chapter.
How annoying!

"Just write" I tell myself.
And for the most part I will and do...
when I'm not distracted

I'm so thankful and grateful for this blog

so that I can at least type
what is on my mind at the moment.

I also have ideas floating around
my head for a new book...
and another series.
Not going to tell you about those ones,
as they are still in the works.

It's frustrating having writers block.


Anonymous said...

Cori B
I'm glad your back up. what is turtle pig? I checked it out and my head is still spinning.

Keep praying for you know who.

Talk to ya later, feeno

Cori-Beth said...

Oops, no one was supposed to see that blog yet! Must again had to have something to do with the weird way facebook read my blog profile. It's going to be about a kids apparel and gifts shop that I have created/creating.

The name Turtle Pig is from a guinea pig named Lyric that I had that liked to stick herself half way in and half way out of her igloo/pigloo. It made her look like a turtle. I'd call her a Turtle Pig, hence the name Turtle Pig for the store.

I always wanted to created a kids shop as I worked with kids for 13 years. I thought Turtle Pig was kind of a "whimsical" name for such a shop and a cute kids shop name. No one else had the name, so I took it!

To see what I have done so far, you can visit Turtle Pig One of my favourite designs is "May the Pigloo be With You!" Yes, I'm a child of the 80s and wanted to be Princess Leia when I was a kid!

Hope that long explanation clears it up! I also hope to possibly have some products up on the blog this weekend so I can get sales that way. My first sale came only a couple of days after having the shop up!

Still praying for you know who, Corinne (-:

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