Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Hand of God

In my post from this morning I showed you photos of flowers that come in the beauty of Spring. Well, God also shows His mighty hand in other ways, too. These photos were literally taken just about an hour ago after we had a Tornado Warning with hail and sideways rain. I had been taking pictures out my one window of a rainbow after this storm and well, I was in for a shock when I looked out my window on the other side of my room. This is what I saw looking out that window and when I went outside to get a better look. I should point out, that no one was hurt.

(Yes, the tree is uprooted!)

Getting closer to the scene

Closer yet

Tree meet car, car tree
BTW Apparently this was the first time this lady parked on the street!
She usually parked in the driveway behind her husbands truck.
If she had, her car would have been totaled!

The rainbow outside my other window that I was distracted by :-)

It shows you the extremes of God's majesty of His powerful and mighty hand! Stay safe everyone, and God Bless!

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