My dad was the first to spot him in our backyard. The woodchuck soon made his home in our one and only window well. That window well, unfortunately wasn't really sealed inside, so any creature could get in the basement if he or she so pleased. A woodchuck wouldn't be as bad as a skunk, so that well was soon sealed off.

Wilbur, as this little (???) cutie was soon named then made his home under our back deck. Everyday, we (or at least I) would look for him in our backyard. Around dusk and dawn, and sometimes throughout the day, he was make his appearance to the world. By the way, these guys run really fast!

Winter came and Wilbur went into hibernation. With anticipation, a little too much on my part, I waited for the woodchuck to make an appearance again. He soon did about a month ago, then he decided to live up to his name. He started to nibble on one of the posts of the deck. That did it for my dad! He sealed off the bottom of the deck. Wilbur then disappeared. No, my dad didn't so something to him! Oi! What kind of a person do you think he is?!
A couple of weeks ago, Wilbur showed himself again, this time across the street in the neighbour's yard. He was happily munching on some dandy lions. Then, he disappeared again. They are shy and don't like to be around a whole lot of people.
Just last week, Wilbur showed up again. We soon realised what he had been doing all those times he vanished. He has a girlfriend! Well, the two of them, at least we think so, have figured out how to get under our deck and have taken up residence there. Ah, how sweet! Maybe we'll have babies soon. Eeee! Maybe that's not such a good thing under our patio. Also let's hope they got married before the decided to move in together and have babies. Can't have any illegitimate kids and have them living in sin!
My dad named the she woodchuck Winnie. I don't know why my dad named her after his grandmother. She didn't look like a woodchuck from what I remember. Maybe she liked to chuck wood. Or just live under patios??? Well, that's my tail, er, tale about Wilbur the Woodchuck for right now.
And for closing this post, a poem, that although is an old tongue twister, I have named "Ode to the Woodchuck".
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A woodchuck would chuck as much
as a woodchuck would chuck wood!
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