Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Gate

The other night I had a vision. And in this vision I saw a large, inviting gate. I'd say it was maybe 3 or four stories tall. As I found myself going through the opened gate, there was a path. I followed it straight ahead and was easy - grassy and tree-lined. Very pretty. Then suddenly, I wanted to turn back so I ran towards the open gate that I had come through. Only now the path was tangled with vines over grown trees and roots, etc. I found myself rushing at a high rate of speed trying to get out, and off of the path. But it seemed longer and windier than what it had been when I had first entered.

That being said, here's what I have interpreted about that essay form.

Walking through an open gate is easy. We see opportunity and freedom on the other side. A path full of wealth and power both in the flesh and spiritually.

But the pretty gate was a lure. Once you realise this and that the things hoped for is a lie, getting back through the gate the other way, may not be so easy. Sure, you went straight ahead, down the path, but when you turn around, suddenly the path is filled with vines and traps and snags and twists and turns… and lies that you fell for. Do you pray for help or do you trip over sin as you long to see the end of the path?

Getting through the gate that leads to sin is easy, but once you realise that you are deep in the sin, surrounded by it, turning around to get out of it might not be so easy. We all fall for the lure of the pretty gate. We see it as God’s open door. We “feel” that that’s where we are supposed to go. We open the gate and step through it, down a new path that God must have put there. We are enticed by the pretty flowers along the way. The temptations. Never realising that we should have never had opened the gate in the first place. We are blinded by the things that deceive us. We think that this must be what God wants us to do.

Did it ever occur to us that yes, maybe God allowed this gate to be put before us, but we were never meant to open it and walk through, down the path on the other side? Maybe He wants us to do a complete turn around and walk through the open gate and path on the other side of the garden? Are we so blinded by the pretty gate before us, that we don’t see the rusty one behind us? The one that squeaks and doesn’t seem as inviting? The one that you didn’t notice before because you were so dazzled by the shiny, sparkly one in front of you? How quickly we jump to judgment! How quickly we fall for anything!

Will you open the gate in front of you and walk through? Will you walk that path? Is it the right one? Does God really want you on it? Or do you “feel” He wants you on it? Do you see the light at the end of the path? Do you see an end? Are you rushing back towards the gate you just came through, suddenly realising that it was decoy from the truth? Do you see your way through the mire and the tangled deceit? Are you relying on yourself or are you relying on the One who will be your guide and your light along the way? Or did you go down the path with the rusty, squeaky gate instead?

Your path is before you. Start walking.


Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

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