I wrote this when I was praying about working with the kids again at my church. I heard it as a song running through my head. I've heard it all my life that we are all of God's children and must come to Him as such. So, how do children see their Heavenly Father? Or rather how should they? Well, here's what I wrote down how I personally would like to see Him.
Through the eyes of a child
I long for You.
Through the eyes of a child
I sit at Your feet -
Listening and learning
Of Your Way.
Melt away myself.
Wash me white as snow.
Take away myself,
Because, Lord, I want to know
You, through the eyes of a child.
Innocent eyes
Absorbing Your Truth,
Soaking in Your love.
Touch my heart today, Lord.
I long to feel You
Through the eyes of a child.
Through the eyes of a child
I long for You.
Through the eyes of a child
I long for Your embrace.
I sit at Your feet
Listening and learning
Of Your Way and Truth.
Through the eyes of a child
Soaking in Your love.
Through the eyes of a child.
The eyes of a child.
Through the eyes of a child.
- CC July 7, 2009
Hello C-B
I haven't been over here in a while. Very good stuff. It's funny how I ended up here today, tonight I start teaching the 6th- 8th graders. Technically I'm in charge of the youth (6th-12th grade) But we have a young couple in our church who are great Christian people and the kids adore them. And they teach the 9th -12th grade. They have full time jobs but we are hoping we can hire them "full time."
Have you decided to work with the kids yet? I said a prayer that you'll do what's best.
If you get a chance you can say a prayer for me about teaching tonight.
The bond that Christians feel for one another is a strange thing. When we get to heaven, I will hug you, but there will be people in our lives very close to us who may not even be there. I know that sounds "cold hearted" to those on the outside, but it is what it is.
If we keep praying for you know who, we'll be able to give him a hug up there too.
Hope all goes well with your decision on working with the kids.
Peace, feeno
Actually, I've been working with the kids for about a month now. Just finished VBS and I am exhausted! lol The kids did manage to share with me...some sort of 24 hour virus. Of course, it could have been a bit of burnout as well. I guess that can be expected when working with kids! Again, lol! Gotta love it! (:
Of course I will pray for you as you work with the kids at your church. We could all use prayer when working with kids that we say and do the right thing. One of the many things that we are told time and time again when working with children is that maybe we are the only positive influence in their lives. We don't know what kind of home life they possibly have, at least not all the time. We are to be Jesus examples to them.
Well, that's it for now. Thanks for stopping by, feeno! Good to see you...er...see you visiting my blog!
Still praying for you know who! Of course, that goes without saying... (:
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