Saturday, July 19, 2008

Crazy Cat

I had to share these pictures with least those who haven't seen them yet. They are of our neighbour's cat, Smoke, or Smokey as I like to call her. She loves to pose, but in the first one you can see that she was trying to get into our garage and didn't like my paparazzi photos. Right after this picture was taken, she jumped to the ground and ran away. Caught red pawed! My dad had found her a few times in the garage so just above the door had to be blocked off. Just recently, more had to be blocked off because my mum saw a raccoon trying to get in!

Well, anyway, here's Smoke...a cute cat that won't let you go near her unless you are far, far away, or on the other side of the window! Kind of like my guinea pig that wants you to pet her without touching her...

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