Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wanna Bet?

You know it's one of those wacky days when you see the craziest game show that is even crazier than a Japanese Game Show...

It was my dad who stumbled across the show at first. (My mum wasn't too interested when I was telling her about it...oh well...not her cup of tea. At least Big Brother has a plot...I think.) I stood there entranced by the guy that was trying to hit the bell that was attached to his boxing helmet as many times as he could within 1 minute with his foot. He jumped up and down several times hitting that bell with all his might, with yes, his foot, an astounding 50 times! Yes, 50 times! Okay, out of trance.

I couldn't resist as I went to my bedroom and turned on the television to the station that was carrying this game show that was wackier than a Japanese game show. I'm a sucker for wacky game shows and for the weird and the strange. I found out it was called "Wanna Bet?" I'm not sure what station was carrying, but I know it was an American station as they had American celebrities on it. Of course, if they are hard up for work, who knows, maybe they would appear on a Japanese game show?!

Anyway, the premise of the show is, the "contestants"/celebrities start off with a certain amount of money. They proceed to "bet" a certain amount of money based on what "stunt" someone can do. The contestants base that bet on whether the "stunt person" will "succeed" or "fail" or on how many times they will preform that stunt. If they are right, the amount of money that they bet is added to their total dollar amount. If they are wrong, that money is taken out of their total dollar amount that they already have. The money that they earn at the end, goes to a charity of their choice. So a lot is on the line as to how much will go to charity, and of course the dignity of the person preforming the stunts.

In case you were wondering, yes, I watched the next wacked-out stunt that wasn't as weird as a guy kicking himself in the head. It involved at piece of uncooked spaghetti and two trackers. The idea was for the trackers to have the uncooked spaghetti delicately placed in between the two trackers and have the trackers, one going forward and one going backwards, proceed towards a hot, bubbling pot of tomato sauce that was 10 feet away and drop the spaghetti in it. They had to do this under 2 and a half minutes. I should say that they had someone who was "coaching" them the whole way and who would place the spaghetti between the trackers on a platform then take the platform away when the spaghetti was in place. Okay, run on sentence! They could go back and get another piece as long as it was still under the time allotted.

Anyway, here is the play by play. Yes, I took notes. I knew I wanted to blog this, because well, that's just me! All of the constants thought that the drivers could do the the "stunt" and bet the dollar amount they thought was appropriate. Well, here's what happened the first piece of spaghetti, they made it to the pot, but dropped it beside the pot. The second was bending when they started to move towards the pot and of course snapped. The third broke with one minute left. The forth broke. The fifth dropped before they got past a foot. The sixth dropped. With 15 seconds left the seventh one was put in place. With ten seconds left the spaghetti dropped. With 2 seconds left, the tractor drivers made a valiant effort back to get another piece of the spaghetti, but it was all over! No pasta today! The pasta stops here, in broken dreams, crushed beneath the tracker tires of defeat.

Needless to say, all of the contestants lost money in their naive and wishful thinking. I'll admit, I thought they could do it as well. But, I didn't have money on the line, just my dignity of thinking a piece of skinny, flexible pasta could be held between two trackers 10 feet away and dropped into a hot, bubbling pot of tomato sauce. Silly me!

Well, I changed the channel after that stunt. I couldn't take the wackiness any more. It was too much for my little brain to take. I think I lost a couple of IQ points watching. Okay, y'all know I'm going to find out when it's on again! Maybe next time they will see how many brain cells the viewers lose watching the show. I bet all of them! Do you think I'll succeed or fail?! Wanna Bet?!

EDIT: Here's the link to the show at the TV station's website. It's ABC that is carrying it. You can watch clips at this link to see the wackiness I was talking about. Looks like full episodes, too! And a count down clock when the next one airs! Aren't we special?! I think it will be a hit because it is so out there and you don't see many game shows like it in North America.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Crazy Cat

I had to share these pictures with least those who haven't seen them yet. They are of our neighbour's cat, Smoke, or Smokey as I like to call her. She loves to pose, but in the first one you can see that she was trying to get into our garage and didn't like my paparazzi photos. Right after this picture was taken, she jumped to the ground and ran away. Caught red pawed! My dad had found her a few times in the garage so just above the door had to be blocked off. Just recently, more had to be blocked off because my mum saw a raccoon trying to get in!

Well, anyway, here's Smoke...a cute cat that won't let you go near her unless you are far, far away, or on the other side of the window! Kind of like my guinea pig that wants you to pet her without touching her...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Blind or Trusting

I just wanted to point out a few things that I think we are all guilty of at times, whether we are Christians or not and regardless of our walk in life:

Do we really have the faith to overcome? Or are we just hoping our problems will go away? Is our faith so blind that we only rely on chance? Do we have so little faith that we can't trust in God? Are we in a comfort zone that we can't escape, or don't want to?

Our molehills turn into mountains when we don't have faith in God. He wants us to trust take His hand and believe. He wants to us to hand our troubles over to Him.

The faith the size of a mustard seed is all it takes. But, how many of us have moved a mountain lately???

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Paint Pallets and Bursts of Creativity

Every so often I get a burst of creativity in the painting realm. I don't know why God gives me these bursts, He just does! I'm not a painter, and the only thing I have been "trained" in as far as painting goes is what I learned in elementary school with power acrylics. I wasn't able to take art in high school do to my allergies to the power acrylics. Elementary school, well, you have no choice to stay away from the paint. Let's just say "ACHOO!"

Most of the paintings I do are abstract that nobody gets except me. Some are "normal". I paint in many mediums including oils, acrylic (the liquid kind!), watercolours (my preferred medium), as well as drawing in pencil, sepia pencils, pencil crayons, and pastels.

I think I get my love of art from my grandmother, my dad's mum. She is an amazing painter! We have several of her works displayed in our home and I'm sure they will be passed down for generations. I'll share more about them later.

Well, here are just four of the pieces that I have done. There's just too many to share right now! More later... The order that they appear is "California Dogface" (oil), "Emblazon" (watercolour), "Liberation" (watercolour), and "Noontide" (watercolour). The reason for the titles - 1st because, of course, it's a California Dogface butterfly, 2nd- Emblazon can mean many colours bursting, 3rd- I thought this kind of looked like a hand (Christ's perhaps) reaching out to liberate someone, 4th- Noontide means sunset or sunrise and I thought this looked like just that. Well, enjoy!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Living Waters

This photo came to mind as I thought of something my Pastor said in a sermon. He said that Living Water doesn't sit in a reservoir. With that I add that Living Water doesn't wait for future use. It wouldn't be Living Water then, it would be stagnant and of no use to anyone. Keep that in mind when you think that you can't do anything for Christ. Don't sit still and do nothing, otherwise, that Living Water you are supposed to spill over to others will go stagnant and scummy. Who wants to drink scummy, dirty water?

Everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters. - Isaiah 55:1

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Canada Day and Strawberry Season

Oh, 'tis the season to celebrate Canada Day and strawberries. To start off: Happy 141st Birthday Canada! Hard to believe that Canada is that young! Now bring on the fireworks that shouldn't be fired off in a residential area. Why do people insist on breaking the law that way? There must be something in the city bylaws that allows them to get away with it...still at 10pm when you're trying to sleep, it can be annoying. Especially when people are firing them off when there is no holiday! Whatever!

One thing I have to say about that is "Take off, eh!" and "You hosier!". Okay, now that Bob and Doug Mackenzie are out of my system... How Canadian am I?!

As well as it being Canada Day, strawberry season has begun. Strawberries are one of my most favourite food. I remember as a kid going with my mum and sister to pick berries at one of the local U-Pick places. I think I ate more than went in the "pints". Still, it was fun... Stained hands and upset tummies...tons of fun!

I did end up cutting some rhubarb today and made a strawberry rhubarb crisp. It came out more like a fruit chutney. I now remember why I don't do rhubarb crisp - it comes out really runny! Oh, well. It still tasted good....IMHO. Tomorrow, I think I'll just use strawberries in something and leave the rhubarb alone for a while. Besides, there is some still that needs to ripen.

Well, again, Happy Canada Day and happy strawberry season. Have fun with the fireworks even if they keep you up late at night. Eat some strawberries and don't worry about the noise!

Poem to the Strawberry

Strawberry, strawberry
oh, how you glow.
Strawberry, strawberry
I'll watch you grow.

You glisten in the sunlight-
sparkle all day long.
I want to eat you-
is that so wrong?

What are you thinking
as I pick you, dear strawberry?
I want to know-
I can't think clearly.

Strawberry, strawberry
I gobble you up.
Strawberry, strawberry
for you, it's tough luck.
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