Sunday, April 19, 2009


Are you one who is wearing a mask?


You are a mere player
on your own invisible stage;
you are the main character
in the spotlight.
You wear a mask -
you are a different person
playing a phony role
in your unreal life.

Oh, what a tangled web you weave
when you wear too many masks.
Your orchestra is playing
your symphony of life,
as friends, Romans, and country men
will watch and see you fight.
Remove your mask.

Are chandeliers
falling all around you?
Has your Romeo
gone and left?
Have you been lost
and miserable?
Or are you confused
where your "big break" is?

Unmask your true self.
Unmask your hell bound fate;
you must break free, remove your mask.
(Get off your stage)
Unmask your true feelings.
Unmask and confess your sins.

If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in Him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile - the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on Him, for , "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." - Romans 10:9-13 (NIV)


Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Rose, the Cactus, and the Sun

A Rose with petals so lovely,
in a vast Desert
unknown to
in the
world outside.

The Rose noticed a Cactus,
standing magnificently,
in a vast Desert,
unknown to
passed by.

The Cactus looked inviting to the
as She
touched it
with Her petals so lovely -
but the Cactus
hurt Her
and made
Her cry.

The Cactus only scoffed at the Rose,
which made her feel worse.
She began to wilt
in Her misery.

the Rose with petals so lovely.

The Sun saw her in Her pain -
so He
as bright as bright can be.
and feel so much better!
She was no longer wilting,

The Sun never left Her, nor dimmed,
but seemed to remain the same.
The Cactus died and shriveled up, to
be nothing more than nothing
in the sand.

A Rose with petals so lovely
stood...not alone
in a vast Desert
unknown to anyone
in the world outside,
but known
to the Morning Star!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Christian Con Artists

I wrote this over three years ago on another blog. I recently found it again and felt that I should post it again on this blog as it's now my

Christian Con Artists
The great deception

Is it possible that we are Christian con artists? How is this possible? How is it possible that we fall under the same category as a felon? I hate to reiterate, but many of us Christians are just as bad as someone who has committed murder. We fool ourselves if we think everything is always alright in our lives. But, everything isn’t alright. If it were, we would have no reason for repentance and forgiveness, and therefore no reason for a Saviour. Without a Saviour, how can we feel love and acceptance? How will we know right from wrong? And how will we know true freedom? How about others around us? Are we all acting like cons?

The definition of “CON” is adj. involving abuse of confidence and to swindle. To pursue by deception.

According to the above definition, confidence can be abused. If we don’t have the boldness to tell others about Christ, we are in fact betraying their trust, and signing their death warrant. Don’t you think that someone would want to know that here on Earth, there is life with true freedom, and when they die that the same is so? Of course they would. In that respect, we are also abusing our own confidence by not showing it. We need to ask God to give us that boldness to lead others to Him. We need to share His love with others.

Notice I used the word “need”? We need to do what God asks. We need His approval, love, and acceptance. Those who don’t know Christ also need Him. Are we not only con’s, but greedy con’s as well? We hoard all of Christ’s love for ourselves, when clearly is says in Matthew 28:19 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” This was a direct command from Jesus Himself, telling us that we must tell everyone about Him and His love and forgiveness and what wonderful things that love and forgiveness brings. Do we or anyone else have to put up with the enemy’s (Satan’s) abuse anymore? Being abused is not fun! If you see a dog that has been beaten, it cowers if you go to even pet it. Think of it this way, we have been beaten for far too long by Satan and his nasty thing called lack of confidence. It’s time to take back our boldness and courage and take it to our unsaved loved ones, neighbours, and who ever else we come in contact with day to day, or not even day to day but once in a while. It’s time to take back what Satan stole and tell him to get lost!

Looking back to the definition of “CON”, it says that con can swindle. If we look at our lives, how many times have we stolen or swindled an opportunity to be bold for Jesus? How many opportunities have we ignored or brushed off? So many opportunities, so little time! Where’s our courage? We’re robbing ourselves and others of Christ’s love and forgiveness. How will we all fair on the Day of Judgment when we’re facing our Lord? The One Who we denied, time and time again. The One Who died for us. The One we claim we love.

Deception is a big thing when it comes to being a con. You’ll do anything to get what you want and to make yourself feel good and/or better. When we don’t tell others about Christ, we are deceiving them to believe that everything will be okay if only they do good... or mostly good anyway. How foolish can we be? We’ve fallen for this same lie! The only difference is we know the Truth. We just refuse to not tell anyone. We’re deceiving others into believing that we are no different than anyone else, and at the same time, they don’t know that there is hope for them because we’re not living like there is. We are deceiving ourselves if we really believe we can get away with this.

I believe, and I know many other believe, that the biggest con job we as Christian’s have pulled is that we blend in with the world, it’s lies, deception, etc., rather than being apart from it (Romans 12:2). We look like everyone else, so what could be that harm, right? In actual fact, according to Matthew 5:13 we are to be the salt of the earth. Again, we are to be the salt, not the sugar. If we are just adding something like sugar to an already sugary recipe, someone’s going to get a cavity, and it might be us. With that in mind, we are not meant to sugar coat the gospel. We are to tell the truth. Remember this, adding salt to a cookie recipe makes the cookies sweater. In the same way, when we tell others about Christ, we are showing them how much better their lives can be with Him in it. Also remember though, too much salt will spoil the cookie dough. My meaning of this, we are not meant to “Bible bash” people into repentance, but to show Christ’s love. Be compassionate. Think of it this way, if we do “Bible bash” people, are we then in fact not being the salt, but perhaps pepper? Too much spice, and not enough TLC put into the recipe? We’re conning those we are trying to reach if we don’t reach them where they’re at. We’re not reaching them in the right way.

So what now? How do we reach people? In order to reach others in the right way, we need (there’s that word again) to quit being con artists and blending with the world. We need to search our hearts. Does it align with God’s? Or are we fooling ourselves into thinking it does? We need to draw near to God and ask Him to reveal to us what His heart is for us. Listen. What’s He saying? He knows us. He knows everything about us, scary as that may seem. Or can that be comforting for us? We need to ask God for boldness and courage to tell others about Him. We need to ask for forgiveness for not using that boldness or courage or possibly not asking for it before. We need to take back what Satan stole from us so we can show others how to do the same, and we need to do it now! Otherwise, how can we or others reform? We need to become reformed con’s now so others can see that we are indeed prisoners in Christ and not of this world. Others lives are at stake. Your family members and loved ones lives are at stake. Your neighbour’s lives are at stake. Those you see on the street, their lives are at stake. Stranger’s lives are at stake. Your enemy’s lives are at stake. Must we continue to be Christian con artists? Souls are a stake.



It was an
only He knew
before time
A betrayal
made by
one of His
own friends
by the Deceiver.

As simple as a
kiss would be
the kiss
a plan.
(Who knew greed
was all it took?)

An innocent Man
arrested for being
the Truth,
by untruth.

He knew what was

He was
treated like a
those who
Speaking of Life
to them as He was
on a cross.

He knew that His
own plan was
being unraveled-
not by
a kiss
of betrayal
or by deception,
but by

He had an
of His own.

Have a blessed Easter celebrating Jesus resurrection!

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